Hello to one and all. I really don't have much to say, but feel the need to blog just the same. The only real news is that we have been waiting to hear about a particular job that David had been interviewing for. It was with Cook Children's Hospital in Ft. Worth. David really wanted it and felt really good about his chances. Alas, it was not to be. We got the call yesterday. They went with a guy who already has some experience working with a foundation. Drat and blast! So now we go back to the drawing board. There are only two other possiblities out there at present, one in Seattle and one in Philadelphia. Neither of which has started interviewing yet. We realize that the right job just hasn't come along yet, but it is disappointing just the same and a little frustrating at the long wait in between interviews and decision making and all that. With that said, we also realize that we are truly blessed and we are much better off than many other families who are also out of work.
Just a little shout out to Chris--if you haven't checked his blog lately you need to. He has started blogging again in style!
In another week or so David and I are off to the island of Kauai in Hawaii!! Thanks to Cathy (David's sister with the timeshare) for the invite. Chris is going too and we are going to have a blast. Perhaps it will be our last hurrah 'cause if we don't find a job in the end, we will have to cut way back on our living expenses and try to join the ranks of the retired. I can't think of a better way to go out than in Hawaii!! I hope it doesn't come to that, but hey, we can party like it is the last time!!!
We are also looking forward to a visit in August from Sara, Wade and Matt. They are planning a road trip to Texas and we are excited!! The only problem may be if Sara gets the job she interviewed for this week. While we hope she gets the job, we will be so very sad if they don't let her off for the trip. Matt says that he will have to come by himself if Sara can't get off. I told him that he and Wade should come together, but we are pretty sure Sara wouldn't like that too much. Plus, Chris is coming home in Sept. for the BYU/OK football game at the new Cowboy Stadium in Arlington. Hopefully it will work out and we will get to visit with all our kids in the next few weeks.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hello one and all. I realize that I am well overdue for an update and as usual I have no good excuse for the delay. I hope there is still someone reading this...
Anyway. First of all congratulations go out to the Kodi Nixon family on the birth of Parker and to the Andrew Steele family on the birth of Henry! Both extremely cute babies and they both have a jealous Aunt Camille and Uncle David who wish they lived closer!! By the way, where did Parker get all that HAIR?! Doesn't he know that babies are supposed to be bald unless they are Hispanic? (In my limited experience working in the nurseries of hospitals only Hispanic babies are born with tons of long hair!)
So, David finished his twenty-five years of work with Electronic Data Systems on April 30. I have already been asked at least once if he is driving me crazy yet being at home all day. The surprising answer to that question is "no, not yet". He does spend most of the day in his office working on the computer. He is researching job opportunities, working on investments, revamping his resume, buying pool supplies, etc. etc. etc. He does have a couple of job opportunities in the works, however. One in Chicago with a utilities company and one in Ft. Worth for Cook Children's Medical Center. He has a second interview with Cook Children's a week from Friday. So, we wait.
Meanwhile, we are "pretending" like we are retired. Last week, for example, we took off for what turned into a really fun road trip. It started out as a trip to Branson, MO. David has talked about going there for a while now. It is supposed to be loads of fun (according to people we know who have been there)and it is within a days drive from here. We took off without any reservations of any kind and decided to see what happened once we got there. The area is really pretty--green and hilly. Branson itself is situated between a couple of lakes. The trouble is that what there is to do there isn't really what we enjoy doing. There are LOTS of shows to see starting at 10am every day. There are two amusement parks, miniature golf and go-carts on every corner, two outlet malls, two regular malls and lots of places to eat. It is hard to know which of the shows are ones you would like and they cost between $20 and $50 each per person. We decided to see one called SIX. It is a family of six brothers who sing making the sounds of intstruments with their mouths--singing acapela the whole time. We like the LDS group Inside-Out (who do the same kind of show), so we thought we would like SIX. They were really good and it turns out they are LDS too. They come from a family of ten boys from a mom who was told at 17 that she wouldn't be able to have kids. The show was really good and very entertaining. The next show we decided to see was an Elvis impersonator. I have always been an Elvis fan and saw a very good impersonator perform during Parent's Week one year at BYU-Idaho. This particular performer was touted as being voted the #1 Branson enteratiner for the past 6 or 7 years--so we thought we would give him a try. Big mistake!! He was way into himself and not so much into Elvis. He did sound like Elvis, but I just couldn't handle his ego. Too worried about how his hair looked and he even sang a song he wrote himself. Each of us wanted to leave at intermission, but didn't say anything to the other. Too bad. A wasted two hours.
The next day we decided to make a break for it and drove to Memphis. I used to live there and have always wanted to revist Graceland. When I was there last you could drive up to the front of the house when Elvis was out of town, but you couldn't go inside. So, we went to Graceland. It was really cool! They have an audio tour that you listen to as you walk through the house and it was very informative. The house is straight from the 70's and it isn't hard to imagine Elvis living there. Of course, it is all terribly commercialized--but we got over that part. Except David was sorely tempted to buy one of the powder blue jumpsuits availble for a mere $3,000

After Graceland we drove on to Corinth, MS (where my grandfather was born), Red Bay, AL, Baldwyn, MS (where many of my ancesters lived and are buried),and Tupelo, MS (where my mother was born--oh, and Elvis too!) We found three different cemeteries using our GPS and I was able to take photos of all the headstones of my ancestors there. I had never done anything like that before and it was a blast, believe it or not! We had a really good time looking for and tromping through all the cemeteries. Driving through the cities and area where my ancestors lived was cool too.
On the way back home we stopped off in Memphis again for some BBQ and on to Hot Spring, AR for the night. Hot Springs is an interesting place. We took a tour of one of the original bath houses and rode up the observation tower in the National Park there. It was a lot of fun. We enjoyed the bath house tour a lot more than we thought we would. Best of all--it was all free!! The next day we headed for home. We had a lot of fun just being together and sort of just following our noses. I really can't remember the last time we took a trip like that just the two of us.
Now, on to the rest of the family: Mike has been working for Kroger for the past several weeks. He works in the evenings and it looks like it is turning into a full time position. He is also going to begin some free-lance graphic design work for a company in UT this week. He can do that from his computer here at home. Melinda continues to work at the pre-school. After school is out she will go to part time there for their summer program. Chris continues to work at his job in San Fran. He still likes CA, but wishes his work was a little more interesting. Once the new guy starts in a few months, he is hoping some of the grunt work will get passed on. Matthew is working full time at the Independent Study Office on campus. He likes it well enough and it is paying the bills. He joined a gym too and is working out again. Soon he will send in his application to the Marriott School of Business and hopes to get accepted for the fall semester. We are keeping our fingers crossed for him. Sara and Wade continue to work through the summer preparing for graduate school in the fall. Wade was accepted into the Sociology program where he will be for the next two years. Sara continues working in the kiosk at University Mall, but is trying to find a receptionist/secretarial position. She isn't having too much luck, but she is applying for everything she can find.
So, that brings you up-to-date with this fam. We can all use your prayers: David with his job hunt, Mike with his continued job hunt, Chris that his job will get more interesting, Matt that he'll get accepted into the Marriott School, and Sara that she will find another job soon. We appreciate you all and love reading your blogs etc. I'll try to keep you informed about our comings and goings.
Anyway. First of all congratulations go out to the Kodi Nixon family on the birth of Parker and to the Andrew Steele family on the birth of Henry! Both extremely cute babies and they both have a jealous Aunt Camille and Uncle David who wish they lived closer!! By the way, where did Parker get all that HAIR?! Doesn't he know that babies are supposed to be bald unless they are Hispanic? (In my limited experience working in the nurseries of hospitals only Hispanic babies are born with tons of long hair!)
So, David finished his twenty-five years of work with Electronic Data Systems on April 30. I have already been asked at least once if he is driving me crazy yet being at home all day. The surprising answer to that question is "no, not yet". He does spend most of the day in his office working on the computer. He is researching job opportunities, working on investments, revamping his resume, buying pool supplies, etc. etc. etc. He does have a couple of job opportunities in the works, however. One in Chicago with a utilities company and one in Ft. Worth for Cook Children's Medical Center. He has a second interview with Cook Children's a week from Friday. So, we wait.
Meanwhile, we are "pretending" like we are retired. Last week, for example, we took off for what turned into a really fun road trip. It started out as a trip to Branson, MO. David has talked about going there for a while now. It is supposed to be loads of fun (according to people we know who have been there)and it is within a days drive from here. We took off without any reservations of any kind and decided to see what happened once we got there. The area is really pretty--green and hilly. Branson itself is situated between a couple of lakes. The trouble is that what there is to do there isn't really what we enjoy doing. There are LOTS of shows to see starting at 10am every day. There are two amusement parks, miniature golf and go-carts on every corner, two outlet malls, two regular malls and lots of places to eat. It is hard to know which of the shows are ones you would like and they cost between $20 and $50 each per person. We decided to see one called SIX. It is a family of six brothers who sing making the sounds of intstruments with their mouths--singing acapela the whole time. We like the LDS group Inside-Out (who do the same kind of show), so we thought we would like SIX. They were really good and it turns out they are LDS too. They come from a family of ten boys from a mom who was told at 17 that she wouldn't be able to have kids. The show was really good and very entertaining. The next show we decided to see was an Elvis impersonator. I have always been an Elvis fan and saw a very good impersonator perform during Parent's Week one year at BYU-Idaho. This particular performer was touted as being voted the #1 Branson enteratiner for the past 6 or 7 years--so we thought we would give him a try. Big mistake!! He was way into himself and not so much into Elvis. He did sound like Elvis, but I just couldn't handle his ego. Too worried about how his hair looked and he even sang a song he wrote himself. Each of us wanted to leave at intermission, but didn't say anything to the other. Too bad. A wasted two hours.
The next day we decided to make a break for it and drove to Memphis. I used to live there and have always wanted to revist Graceland. When I was there last you could drive up to the front of the house when Elvis was out of town, but you couldn't go inside. So, we went to Graceland. It was really cool! They have an audio tour that you listen to as you walk through the house and it was very informative. The house is straight from the 70's and it isn't hard to imagine Elvis living there. Of course, it is all terribly commercialized--but we got over that part. Except David was sorely tempted to buy one of the powder blue jumpsuits availble for a mere $3,000

After Graceland we drove on to Corinth, MS (where my grandfather was born), Red Bay, AL, Baldwyn, MS (where many of my ancesters lived and are buried),and Tupelo, MS (where my mother was born--oh, and Elvis too!) We found three different cemeteries using our GPS and I was able to take photos of all the headstones of my ancestors there. I had never done anything like that before and it was a blast, believe it or not! We had a really good time looking for and tromping through all the cemeteries. Driving through the cities and area where my ancestors lived was cool too.

On the way back home we stopped off in Memphis again for some BBQ and on to Hot Spring, AR for the night. Hot Springs is an interesting place. We took a tour of one of the original bath houses and rode up the observation tower in the National Park there. It was a lot of fun. We enjoyed the bath house tour a lot more than we thought we would. Best of all--it was all free!! The next day we headed for home. We had a lot of fun just being together and sort of just following our noses. I really can't remember the last time we took a trip like that just the two of us.
Now, on to the rest of the family: Mike has been working for Kroger for the past several weeks. He works in the evenings and it looks like it is turning into a full time position. He is also going to begin some free-lance graphic design work for a company in UT this week. He can do that from his computer here at home. Melinda continues to work at the pre-school. After school is out she will go to part time there for their summer program. Chris continues to work at his job in San Fran. He still likes CA, but wishes his work was a little more interesting. Once the new guy starts in a few months, he is hoping some of the grunt work will get passed on. Matthew is working full time at the Independent Study Office on campus. He likes it well enough and it is paying the bills. He joined a gym too and is working out again. Soon he will send in his application to the Marriott School of Business and hopes to get accepted for the fall semester. We are keeping our fingers crossed for him. Sara and Wade continue to work through the summer preparing for graduate school in the fall. Wade was accepted into the Sociology program where he will be for the next two years. Sara continues working in the kiosk at University Mall, but is trying to find a receptionist/secretarial position. She isn't having too much luck, but she is applying for everything she can find.
So, that brings you up-to-date with this fam. We can all use your prayers: David with his job hunt, Mike with his continued job hunt, Chris that his job will get more interesting, Matt that he'll get accepted into the Marriott School, and Sara that she will find another job soon. We appreciate you all and love reading your blogs etc. I'll try to keep you informed about our comings and goings.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Don't Faint
Yes, I know it has been months and months since I blogged, so be it. I actually have some energy at the moment and decided not to waste it on going to the grocery store. So I am blogging. Lucky you.
Life has been pretty non-eventful these past five months (thus the non-blog)so it shouldn't take too long to catch up. Thanksgiving was really fun 'cause David "surprised" me (I was secretly hoping he would)by flying all of the kids home for the holiday. It was short, but very very sweet. We had a great time eating, talking, playing games, playing Rock Band, and eating. The Cratches and the Jetsels came over for T'giving dinner and were able to meet Wade for the first time. It was great!
David and I went to Provo for Christmas with Chris and Matt. Mike and Melinda stayed here in TX with the Walkers and Sara and Wade went to CA for Christmas with the Jacobsens. Everyone got together, however, on January 1st for a Nixon reunion at Aspen Grove. It was our first one during the winter months and turned out to be really fun. There was lots of food and some cross-country skiing, and lots of sledding, and plenty of games and visiting plus a little shopping as well. EVERYONE was able to come and we were all able to stay on the same floor of a newly finished lodge with a great common area and a nice kitchen. Every family had a private room or two with a bath--it was probably the best accommodation we have had at a reunion yet--except for our house in England, of course.
I went back to UT a few weeks later to help Joan after she had hip replacement surgery. It worked out really well. She needed my help and I was also able to spend some time with Sara/Wade and Matthew too. Joan has recovered nicely. She is so dedicated to doing her exercises etc. She is a real example--I know she didn't feel like doing everything the doctor told her to do all the time, but she didn't miss a session and now she is up and running good as new.
Now for the kid update: Mike is still searching for that design job, but starts at Kroger today training as a cashier. Melinda is relieved that she won't be the only one working in their family, although her teaching job ends with the school year and look doubtful for next fall due to cutbacks at the school. They are still living with us until their financial situation perks up. Mike has started looking for design jobs outside of TX, so maybe he will get lucky as he broadens his field.
Chris is really enjoying his job at Deloitte in SanFran. He recently changed apartments since his old roomie with all the furniture got married. He is now living with his friend and workmate, Matt. They get along really well and now he can carpool to work. He loves SanFran. One of these days David and I are going to get out there and visit him and let him show us what all the fuss is about!
Matt is plugging away at school. He is preparing to apply to the Marriott School of Management for the fall semester hoping to get into the business program. As of now, he is planning to stay in Provo and work during the summer--he just needs to find that elusive j-o-b.
Sara and Wade will be graduating in April--YAY!! Wade has been accepted to the master's program in the sociology department for fall. He will be doing that for two years and then, I think, plans to go on for his Phd. Sara is working at a kiosk in the mall selling childrens accessories, but is hoping to find a different job for the summer. She would like to eventually work in the library system for the city or in one of the local schools, but sounds like she will need to start out in a volunteer capacity before she can work her way into a real job. They both determined people and hard workers, so we aren't too worried about their success.
David's job at EDS will end on April 30. He has been interviewing with several companies these past few weeks and we are just waiting for those interviewing processes to continue and see what, if anything, comes out the other end. One job is in NY, one in Ohio, and another in Chicago. We aren't entirely sure at this point what we will do if none of them work out...stay tuned. David just got back from a fabulous trip with Scott and Sherma (and Cathy and Ray) to the Craven Cabin. Scott and Sherma go in a couple of times each winter with snowmobiles and David has always wanted to join them. He was very excited to go and had a great time. He bought these HUGE artic expedition boots at REI for the trip, plus, he had to buy a helmet 'cause the rental place didn't have one big enough for his head. 'Nough said.
I continue to work at the physical therapy clinic and in primary. My rheumatoid arthritis has been giving me trouble of late and my doc and I are trying to get that under control. It is slow going, but things are gradually improving. I am trying to get my head around the possiblity of moving east and getting the house ready etc. Meanwhile, life goes on. We are looking forward to going to UT for graduation in a couple of weeks and I am hoping we can work it out to join Cathy (and whomever else can make it of the invitees) in Hawaii in August. I won't make any promises, but I hope to blog a little more often in the future.
Life has been pretty non-eventful these past five months (thus the non-blog)so it shouldn't take too long to catch up. Thanksgiving was really fun 'cause David "surprised" me (I was secretly hoping he would)by flying all of the kids home for the holiday. It was short, but very very sweet. We had a great time eating, talking, playing games, playing Rock Band, and eating. The Cratches and the Jetsels came over for T'giving dinner and were able to meet Wade for the first time. It was great!
David and I went to Provo for Christmas with Chris and Matt. Mike and Melinda stayed here in TX with the Walkers and Sara and Wade went to CA for Christmas with the Jacobsens. Everyone got together, however, on January 1st for a Nixon reunion at Aspen Grove. It was our first one during the winter months and turned out to be really fun. There was lots of food and some cross-country skiing, and lots of sledding, and plenty of games and visiting plus a little shopping as well. EVERYONE was able to come and we were all able to stay on the same floor of a newly finished lodge with a great common area and a nice kitchen. Every family had a private room or two with a bath--it was probably the best accommodation we have had at a reunion yet--except for our house in England, of course.
I went back to UT a few weeks later to help Joan after she had hip replacement surgery. It worked out really well. She needed my help and I was also able to spend some time with Sara/Wade and Matthew too. Joan has recovered nicely. She is so dedicated to doing her exercises etc. She is a real example--I know she didn't feel like doing everything the doctor told her to do all the time, but she didn't miss a session and now she is up and running good as new.
Now for the kid update: Mike is still searching for that design job, but starts at Kroger today training as a cashier. Melinda is relieved that she won't be the only one working in their family, although her teaching job ends with the school year and look doubtful for next fall due to cutbacks at the school. They are still living with us until their financial situation perks up. Mike has started looking for design jobs outside of TX, so maybe he will get lucky as he broadens his field.
Chris is really enjoying his job at Deloitte in SanFran. He recently changed apartments since his old roomie with all the furniture got married. He is now living with his friend and workmate, Matt. They get along really well and now he can carpool to work. He loves SanFran. One of these days David and I are going to get out there and visit him and let him show us what all the fuss is about!
Matt is plugging away at school. He is preparing to apply to the Marriott School of Management for the fall semester hoping to get into the business program. As of now, he is planning to stay in Provo and work during the summer--he just needs to find that elusive j-o-b.
Sara and Wade will be graduating in April--YAY!! Wade has been accepted to the master's program in the sociology department for fall. He will be doing that for two years and then, I think, plans to go on for his Phd. Sara is working at a kiosk in the mall selling childrens accessories, but is hoping to find a different job for the summer. She would like to eventually work in the library system for the city or in one of the local schools, but sounds like she will need to start out in a volunteer capacity before she can work her way into a real job. They both determined people and hard workers, so we aren't too worried about their success.
David's job at EDS will end on April 30. He has been interviewing with several companies these past few weeks and we are just waiting for those interviewing processes to continue and see what, if anything, comes out the other end. One job is in NY, one in Ohio, and another in Chicago. We aren't entirely sure at this point what we will do if none of them work out...stay tuned. David just got back from a fabulous trip with Scott and Sherma (and Cathy and Ray) to the Craven Cabin. Scott and Sherma go in a couple of times each winter with snowmobiles and David has always wanted to join them. He was very excited to go and had a great time. He bought these HUGE artic expedition boots at REI for the trip, plus, he had to buy a helmet 'cause the rental place didn't have one big enough for his head. 'Nough said.
I continue to work at the physical therapy clinic and in primary. My rheumatoid arthritis has been giving me trouble of late and my doc and I are trying to get that under control. It is slow going, but things are gradually improving. I am trying to get my head around the possiblity of moving east and getting the house ready etc. Meanwhile, life goes on. We are looking forward to going to UT for graduation in a couple of weeks and I am hoping we can work it out to join Cathy (and whomever else can make it of the invitees) in Hawaii in August. I won't make any promises, but I hope to blog a little more often in the future.
Friday, October 3, 2008
About David and Me...
Sara did this "Marriage Tag" on her blog and it looked like fun--who knows, maybe some of you might learn something you don't know.
1. What is his name? David Robert Nixon
2. Who eats more? Actually, I probably do. However, I am trying not to. Since January I have lost twenty pounds and am trying to lose more, but am currently at an impasse.
3. Who said "I love you" first? He did. We were sitting on the sofa in one of the "formal" rooms of the mansion where I lived with about fourteen other nursing students. I asked him to repeat it just to make sure I had heard him correctly.
4. Who is taller? He is, of course, by 10-11 inches.
5. Who is smarter? He is, hands down.
6. Who is more sensitive? I am, hands down.
7. Who does the laundry? I do, but during the past several months when my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia were acting up and my hands were really hurting, he did it without being asked. He does a really good job of it too.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, the deal is that where ever we are sleeping I sleep on the side of the bed nearest the bathroom. He probably doesn't know that is the deal, but it is. Currently in our house that is the right side if you are facing the head of the bed.
9. Who pays the bills? We split it.
10. Who cooks more? I do.
11. What meals do you cook together? Anything on the grill. He grills and I do the rest.
12. Who is more stubborn? Depends on the subject. He has his and I have mine.
13. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I am. He is never wrong.
14. Who has more siblings? I have 4 sisters (2 step) and 1 brother, he has 3 brothers and 1 sister.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Ditto with Sara and Wade.
16. What do you like to do together? Play Wii tennis, go to the movies, eat out, chill in front of the TV.
17. Who eats more sweets? That would be me, by far.
18. What is his guilty pleasure? Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla icecream.
19. How did you meet? At church at the old Dallas Stake Center on Keist Blvd. in 1975 right before he left on his mission and right before I joined the church.
20. Who asked who out first? While on his mission he bet me that I would be married before Valentine's Day 1977. I told him he owed me a dinner when I won that bet. It took him a year after he got home to pay up, but pay up he did. We went to Pizza Hut in Duncanville, TX on Camp Wisdom Blvd.
21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me and actually asked permission first. How sweet!
22. Who proposed? He did. At Sundance Resort at night under the stars with a ring.
23. His best features? His nice blue eyes, his forgiving nature, his calm cool collectiveness and his Clint Eastwoodness.
24. What is his greatest quality? He knows a good choice in a wife when he sees one.
1. What is his name? David Robert Nixon
2. Who eats more? Actually, I probably do. However, I am trying not to. Since January I have lost twenty pounds and am trying to lose more, but am currently at an impasse.
3. Who said "I love you" first? He did. We were sitting on the sofa in one of the "formal" rooms of the mansion where I lived with about fourteen other nursing students. I asked him to repeat it just to make sure I had heard him correctly.
4. Who is taller? He is, of course, by 10-11 inches.
5. Who is smarter? He is, hands down.
6. Who is more sensitive? I am, hands down.
7. Who does the laundry? I do, but during the past several months when my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia were acting up and my hands were really hurting, he did it without being asked. He does a really good job of it too.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, the deal is that where ever we are sleeping I sleep on the side of the bed nearest the bathroom. He probably doesn't know that is the deal, but it is. Currently in our house that is the right side if you are facing the head of the bed.
9. Who pays the bills? We split it.
10. Who cooks more? I do.
11. What meals do you cook together? Anything on the grill. He grills and I do the rest.
12. Who is more stubborn? Depends on the subject. He has his and I have mine.
13. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I am. He is never wrong.
14. Who has more siblings? I have 4 sisters (2 step) and 1 brother, he has 3 brothers and 1 sister.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Ditto with Sara and Wade.
16. What do you like to do together? Play Wii tennis, go to the movies, eat out, chill in front of the TV.
17. Who eats more sweets? That would be me, by far.
18. What is his guilty pleasure? Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla icecream.
19. How did you meet? At church at the old Dallas Stake Center on Keist Blvd. in 1975 right before he left on his mission and right before I joined the church.
20. Who asked who out first? While on his mission he bet me that I would be married before Valentine's Day 1977. I told him he owed me a dinner when I won that bet. It took him a year after he got home to pay up, but pay up he did. We went to Pizza Hut in Duncanville, TX on Camp Wisdom Blvd.
21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me and actually asked permission first. How sweet!
22. Who proposed? He did. At Sundance Resort at night under the stars with a ring.
23. His best features? His nice blue eyes, his forgiving nature, his calm cool collectiveness and his Clint Eastwoodness.
24. What is his greatest quality? He knows a good choice in a wife when he sees one.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
See what Chris has been up to...
Chris at Alcatraz

View of the Golden Gate Bridge

Chris' apartment--2nd floor furthest to the left/his office building

Chris and friend from Provo/Alcatraz Island

Since Chris has retired from blogging (he IS a big-time executive now), I asked him if I could publish this email I got from him which is just as good aa a blog. He said yes--so here it is. I'll add some pics too.
So, things here are going well. My roommates Mike and Ed are pretty
cool guys, and we live in a nice place right next to the Golden Gate
bridge in a neighborhood called the Presidio. I live just a few
hundred yards from a great beach called Baker Beach, and there are
fantastic running trails all throughout the neighborhood. I live in a
quiet, clean area, and there are a few other apartments close by with
LDS guys and girls.
I spent my first few days here before I started work just checking out
the peninsula, including finding a new bank, grocery stores (they've
got a Costco!), the church where I've been attending Sunday meetings,
FHE, and weekly institute, and a few other sites like Golden Gate park
and the downtown area. The distance from one side of the peninsula to
the other really isn't very much at all (like 6 or 7 miles), so
getting around with a car is great. The public transportation is
decent, but it's much quicker to have my own car. I'll have to start
shopping around since I have to give the Corolla I'm using back to my
dad around Christmas time.
As far as work goes, I did a lot of training last week and have just
recently started working on some small client engagements. I don't
know everyone in the office yet, but for the most part people seem
very friendly and willing to help me in my transition. I still
haven't been paid yet (hopefully I will be this Friday), so sometimes
I forget why I'm there, but I feel pretty good about it all. Also,
two people I work with are BYU grads, and one, a guy named Matt, lives
in my neighborhood. We've become pretty good friends, and it's nice
to have someone to be able to go to with questions. You asked how
long it takes me to get to work... From my bedroom to my cubicle it
takes almost exactly 45 minutes. I drive to a bus stop about 2 miles
away, and then I take a free bus that goes to downtown. It drops me
off right next to where I work, which is a big blessing. The commute
is a little long (especially during rush hour), but I feel lucky to
have a free way to get there each day.
I've been to two different wards since I've been here, one about 3 or
4 miles from where I live, and the other in Palo Alto (nearly an hour
drive). Both had a lot of fun people in them (along with a few weird
people, but they are single's wards so I expected that). I will
probably end up attending the ward closest to where I live despite the
fact that the majority of the people attending it are older than me.
As far as fun things I've done since I got here, I spent Saturday with
a friend who was here visiting from Provo, and we went and saw
Alcatraz island. It was a lot of fun, and I especially liked the
audio tour they gave on the island. It was put together by ex-prison
guards and ex-convicts who had actually been on the island during its
use as a federal prison, and they had some amazing stories to share.
A midnight tour is also available, but we decided to see it during the
day instead so we could see the great views of the city from the water.
That same weekend my friend and I ate sushi at Fisherman's Wharf too
(which was delicious), and we even went down Lombard St. (the world's
most windy road). It was a fun weekend.
View of the Golden Gate Bridge
Chris' apartment--2nd floor furthest to the left/his office building
Chris and friend from Provo/Alcatraz Island
Since Chris has retired from blogging (he IS a big-time executive now), I asked him if I could publish this email I got from him which is just as good aa a blog. He said yes--so here it is. I'll add some pics too.
So, things here are going well. My roommates Mike and Ed are pretty
cool guys, and we live in a nice place right next to the Golden Gate
bridge in a neighborhood called the Presidio. I live just a few
hundred yards from a great beach called Baker Beach, and there are
fantastic running trails all throughout the neighborhood. I live in a
quiet, clean area, and there are a few other apartments close by with
LDS guys and girls.
I spent my first few days here before I started work just checking out
the peninsula, including finding a new bank, grocery stores (they've
got a Costco!), the church where I've been attending Sunday meetings,
FHE, and weekly institute, and a few other sites like Golden Gate park
and the downtown area. The distance from one side of the peninsula to
the other really isn't very much at all (like 6 or 7 miles), so
getting around with a car is great. The public transportation is
decent, but it's much quicker to have my own car. I'll have to start
shopping around since I have to give the Corolla I'm using back to my
dad around Christmas time.
As far as work goes, I did a lot of training last week and have just
recently started working on some small client engagements. I don't
know everyone in the office yet, but for the most part people seem
very friendly and willing to help me in my transition. I still
haven't been paid yet (hopefully I will be this Friday), so sometimes
I forget why I'm there, but I feel pretty good about it all. Also,
two people I work with are BYU grads, and one, a guy named Matt, lives
in my neighborhood. We've become pretty good friends, and it's nice
to have someone to be able to go to with questions. You asked how
long it takes me to get to work... From my bedroom to my cubicle it
takes almost exactly 45 minutes. I drive to a bus stop about 2 miles
away, and then I take a free bus that goes to downtown. It drops me
off right next to where I work, which is a big blessing. The commute
is a little long (especially during rush hour), but I feel lucky to
have a free way to get there each day.
I've been to two different wards since I've been here, one about 3 or
4 miles from where I live, and the other in Palo Alto (nearly an hour
drive). Both had a lot of fun people in them (along with a few weird
people, but they are single's wards so I expected that). I will
probably end up attending the ward closest to where I live despite the
fact that the majority of the people attending it are older than me.
As far as fun things I've done since I got here, I spent Saturday with
a friend who was here visiting from Provo, and we went and saw
Alcatraz island. It was a lot of fun, and I especially liked the
audio tour they gave on the island. It was put together by ex-prison
guards and ex-convicts who had actually been on the island during its
use as a federal prison, and they had some amazing stories to share.
A midnight tour is also available, but we decided to see it during the
day instead so we could see the great views of the city from the water.
That same weekend my friend and I ate sushi at Fisherman's Wharf too
(which was delicious), and we even went down Lombard St. (the world's
most windy road). It was a fun weekend.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I am so proud!

I get the urge to sew about once a decade. Here is the result of the 2000-2010 effort. Melinda got the idea to put her treasured T-shirts in a blanket form (so far I think she has made three so far and has one cut out and ready to make for Mike), so I gathered all of mine and a few cast-offs from David and Chris and made my own. I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. It is a great way to preserve those memories that only a T-shirt can. Besides, I don't look good in a T-shirt anyway!
I am excited to have found that Kodi & Lindsey, Willi, Teddy, and Acey & Jenny Nixon are already bloggers. Although Acey & Jenny really could use a little coaching on what the blog thing is all about (no offense intended :) ) I have added them to my link list as you can see.
To update the family goings on: Chris is loving San Fran. His job is just getting underway after a week+ of orientation and getting in the swing of things. He likes his ward and has even gone to intstitute at least once. He isn't too keen on the 45 minute commute each way to work, but it could be so much worse. He is just spoiled 'cause David has only had a 15 minute commute for the past ten years or so.
Mike is very nearly finished with his portfolio. You can see some of the pics of his projects that will be going into the finished product on his blog. Hopefully he will be starting to make phone calls to prospective employers next week. Hopefully.
Melinda is getting ready for a "Halloween" project with her kids at school. She just bought 24 gourds and pumkins that the kids will color and put stickers on. She can't actually call it a Halloween project because technically they can't celebrate any holidays at the school in order to be completely politically correct. Oh brother.
Matt is plugging along at school and has decided to work toward applying to the Marriot School of Management next year. GO MATT!! He sounds really happy to have made a decision about his schooling and career plans and feels really good and secure about his recent decisions.
Sara has been getting off of all the medications she has been on for many years. As a result, she hasn't been feeling too well for a long while. But, it looks like she is starting to feel better now and the effects of coming off of the meds are starting to wear off. She has accepted a job at a new kiosk in University Mall that will sell baby beanies and leg warmers. It is a new business and hasn't actually started up yet. She should have some more info. about a start up date this week. The owners have the actual kiosk already and just need to get it set up with product.
David hasn't heard anything yet about his job. We continue to wait. And wait. And wait. It is about to drive me crazy even though I am trying really hard to not let it. I have had five migraines in the last six or seven days. I REALLY am trying!! We are supposed to hear something by the end of this week, but I am not holding my breath. Stay tuned!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
...and on with the story.
So...now that Sara has finally updated her blog, I can safely update mine. I know that sounds pretty lame, but after you read hers, you will know why I haven't been able to update mine.
I figured the whole getting engaged and getting married thing was totally her deal and I didn't want to spoil any of her thunder by spilling any of the beans, so to speak.
After Sara went back to school at the beginning of spring term, we were really hoping she would be able to put the unpleasantness of the past several months behind her and be able to move on in a positive way. Little did we know just how positively and how quickly she was going to be able to do just that! It didn't take but a few weeks before she went out to a movie with Wade Jacobsen and texted me the very next day that she had gone out with a young man that she "really liked". The next thing I knew, they were seeing each other nearly every day. And then they WERE seeing each other every day! Then just a few (or was it only a couple) of weeks later we got a phone call at dinner time. Sara asked if Dad could get on the phone with me and asked if we were sitting down and then announced that she and Wade had decided they were getting married. They were thinking of December after graduation. We were not totally shocked (we figured their relationship was headed in that direction) but we were a bit surprised at the shortness of the dating period. But we were happy for them none-the-less and glad they had decided to wait until December, giving them some more time to get to know each other etc. etc. etc. Then we got another phone call the next night letting us know that they had rethought things and had decided to get married in August instead. Their reasoning was that if it was right (and they were certain it was indeed the right thing to do)then why wait. We encouraged them that waiting was still a good idea, but that we supported them in their decision. So in the end August 16 was the date decided upon and wedding preparations began.
David and I were able to make a visit to Provo over the Fourth of July weekend (joined by Mike and Melinda from Rexburg) to meet Wade and spend some time with the happy couple. Plus, I stayed on for a few days and traveled back to Idaho with M&M to help them start packing up their stuff in preparation for Mike's graduation and their move back to TX in August. So I got to spend some good time with Sara and Wade and was even able to be with them when they found their first apartment.
This is probably a good place to interject how much we love Wade Jacobsen. He is such the perfect match for our Sara Lou. He is kind and caring--putting her first in his heart. He is thoughtful, respectful and obviously loves our girl very much. We truly couldn't ask for more in a son-in-law. As time goes on, I contintue to find new and wonderful ways to love him.
So, on to the wedding. Wade's parents arrived in town from California on the 15th (really great people I would love to get to know better) bringing with them a trailer full of furniture and things for the kids new apartment. Once that was all unloaded, we all met at the Timpanogos Temple and Sara received her endowments. In the Celestial Room I realized that I had my whole immediate family--all four of my kids and my husband as well as Mike's wife Melinda there all together in the temple at the same time. So many people live for that moment in their lives and it never comes. All my kids and two kids-in-law and my husband were temple-worthy at the same time and in the Celestial Room together. It was quite a moment. Afterwards we all descended upon an all-you-can eat Chinese restaurant in Lehi. Four of Wade's siblings were there too (one brother and one sister are on a mission in Brasil)plus the Nixon's, Wade's two sets of grandparents, Cathy, plus Laurel and Tori Nixon. It was quite a crowd.
The next day everyone was at the temple bright and early for the ten o'clock sealing. It was wonderful and Sara looked radiant. The day was bright and sunny, but not too hot and photo's afterward were gorgeous. We had a light lunch afterwards at the Nixon's and tried to rest up for the reception that evening.
We held the reception at the White Willow Reception Center in Provo. It is a renovated older home built in 1902. It was gorgeous and just the perfect setting for the reception. The food was exceptional. There was wonderful music, the guests were plentiful, there was dancing, and all in all it was a terrific evening. Wade's old roommates gave him and Sara a night at a local B & B for their wedding gift, so after the reception, the two of them drove off in their decorated car to spend the night in a special room far away from the day-to-day.
The following day we all met for church and then lunch at the Nixon's and then gift opening to follow. The next day Wade and Sara took off for the cabin in Jackson, Wyoming to spend the next week on their honeymoon. Since then they have moved into their apartment, started school, looked for jobs, and basically settled into the married life. Sara has discovered that she likes to cook and has eased into the domestic life with a flair she didn't realize she had. They are both working hard and enjoying married life. I just wish they lived down the street is all.
Now, for news of the rest of the fam. Matthew went up to Provo for the wedding and stayed waiting for school to start. He was somewhat bored for a couple of weeks, but is making up for it now that classes have resumed. And, the good news is that he actually has some good roommates that he can relate to for a change. He enjoys his ward and is meeting new people. He likes his classes except for one which he has had to drop because he couldn't understand anything his prof. was talking about. He will replace it, but I don't know with what yet. He fears all the girls in his new ward are freshmen--but that is according to one of his roommates. I am waiting for a first-hand observation.
Chris left for San Fransisco last Friday. He will arrive there next Tuesday driving through Colo. Springs and Provo on the way. Work starts the 22nd and he hopes that by the time he gets to his new apartment his application will have been officially approved--otherwise he might find himself living on a park bench in Golden Gate Park.
Mike & Melinda stayed in Rexburg until the wedding and then drove on to TX right after the wedding. They are living with us until Mike finds a job and they get their finances in order. He did in fact graduate in Graphic Design in August. Melinda found a job the day after they got here. She is working for Apple Valley School as a full-time teacher for two year olds. She teaches 40 two yr olds in four different classes. She has an assistant to help her and she is off every day by 3pm. It is a great job and she is enjoying it so far. Plus, I like having her home in the afternoons!! Mike is currently polishing up his portfolio and getting it ready to present to prospective employers. His goal is to have it finished by the end of this upcoming week and then he is going to start hitting the pavement looking for the perfect job. GOOD LUCK, MIKE!!
David expects to learn this week or next if Hewlett Packard has a job offer for him or not. One way or the other, we should have some news about his future with either HP or EDS. They will want him to stay on and help with the transition here in Plano no matter what, so that time frame will have to be established one way or the other also. So, we are still somewhat in limbo, but we should know more in the next week or two.
I have been feeling better since the wedding. I changed doctors (not happy with the non-response to my pain issues from my old doctor)and he put me on some prednisone (anti-inflammatory)so I could act like a human and enjoy the wedding. He has kept me on a low dose of the prednisone and started me on Lyrica for the fibromyalgia and I have been doing quite well. He will take me off of the prednisone in another few weeks. I just hope it all doesn't fall apart at that point. We will just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, I am trying to exercise and strengthen what I can while the pain is at bay.
I promise I won't wait so long next time to update my blog. You can blame it on Sara this time. Hee hee. That is about it for now, or at least about all my feeble brain can remember. I think I did petty well considering...
I figured the whole getting engaged and getting married thing was totally her deal and I didn't want to spoil any of her thunder by spilling any of the beans, so to speak.
After Sara went back to school at the beginning of spring term, we were really hoping she would be able to put the unpleasantness of the past several months behind her and be able to move on in a positive way. Little did we know just how positively and how quickly she was going to be able to do just that! It didn't take but a few weeks before she went out to a movie with Wade Jacobsen and texted me the very next day that she had gone out with a young man that she "really liked". The next thing I knew, they were seeing each other nearly every day. And then they WERE seeing each other every day! Then just a few (or was it only a couple) of weeks later we got a phone call at dinner time. Sara asked if Dad could get on the phone with me and asked if we were sitting down and then announced that she and Wade had decided they were getting married. They were thinking of December after graduation. We were not totally shocked (we figured their relationship was headed in that direction) but we were a bit surprised at the shortness of the dating period. But we were happy for them none-the-less and glad they had decided to wait until December, giving them some more time to get to know each other etc. etc. etc. Then we got another phone call the next night letting us know that they had rethought things and had decided to get married in August instead. Their reasoning was that if it was right (and they were certain it was indeed the right thing to do)then why wait. We encouraged them that waiting was still a good idea, but that we supported them in their decision. So in the end August 16 was the date decided upon and wedding preparations began.
David and I were able to make a visit to Provo over the Fourth of July weekend (joined by Mike and Melinda from Rexburg) to meet Wade and spend some time with the happy couple. Plus, I stayed on for a few days and traveled back to Idaho with M&M to help them start packing up their stuff in preparation for Mike's graduation and their move back to TX in August. So I got to spend some good time with Sara and Wade and was even able to be with them when they found their first apartment.
This is probably a good place to interject how much we love Wade Jacobsen. He is such the perfect match for our Sara Lou. He is kind and caring--putting her first in his heart. He is thoughtful, respectful and obviously loves our girl very much. We truly couldn't ask for more in a son-in-law. As time goes on, I contintue to find new and wonderful ways to love him.
So, on to the wedding. Wade's parents arrived in town from California on the 15th (really great people I would love to get to know better) bringing with them a trailer full of furniture and things for the kids new apartment. Once that was all unloaded, we all met at the Timpanogos Temple and Sara received her endowments. In the Celestial Room I realized that I had my whole immediate family--all four of my kids and my husband as well as Mike's wife Melinda there all together in the temple at the same time. So many people live for that moment in their lives and it never comes. All my kids and two kids-in-law and my husband were temple-worthy at the same time and in the Celestial Room together. It was quite a moment. Afterwards we all descended upon an all-you-can eat Chinese restaurant in Lehi. Four of Wade's siblings were there too (one brother and one sister are on a mission in Brasil)plus the Nixon's, Wade's two sets of grandparents, Cathy, plus Laurel and Tori Nixon. It was quite a crowd.
The next day everyone was at the temple bright and early for the ten o'clock sealing. It was wonderful and Sara looked radiant. The day was bright and sunny, but not too hot and photo's afterward were gorgeous. We had a light lunch afterwards at the Nixon's and tried to rest up for the reception that evening.
We held the reception at the White Willow Reception Center in Provo. It is a renovated older home built in 1902. It was gorgeous and just the perfect setting for the reception. The food was exceptional. There was wonderful music, the guests were plentiful, there was dancing, and all in all it was a terrific evening. Wade's old roommates gave him and Sara a night at a local B & B for their wedding gift, so after the reception, the two of them drove off in their decorated car to spend the night in a special room far away from the day-to-day.
The following day we all met for church and then lunch at the Nixon's and then gift opening to follow. The next day Wade and Sara took off for the cabin in Jackson, Wyoming to spend the next week on their honeymoon. Since then they have moved into their apartment, started school, looked for jobs, and basically settled into the married life. Sara has discovered that she likes to cook and has eased into the domestic life with a flair she didn't realize she had. They are both working hard and enjoying married life. I just wish they lived down the street is all.
Now, for news of the rest of the fam. Matthew went up to Provo for the wedding and stayed waiting for school to start. He was somewhat bored for a couple of weeks, but is making up for it now that classes have resumed. And, the good news is that he actually has some good roommates that he can relate to for a change. He enjoys his ward and is meeting new people. He likes his classes except for one which he has had to drop because he couldn't understand anything his prof. was talking about. He will replace it, but I don't know with what yet. He fears all the girls in his new ward are freshmen--but that is according to one of his roommates. I am waiting for a first-hand observation.
Chris left for San Fransisco last Friday. He will arrive there next Tuesday driving through Colo. Springs and Provo on the way. Work starts the 22nd and he hopes that by the time he gets to his new apartment his application will have been officially approved--otherwise he might find himself living on a park bench in Golden Gate Park.
Mike & Melinda stayed in Rexburg until the wedding and then drove on to TX right after the wedding. They are living with us until Mike finds a job and they get their finances in order. He did in fact graduate in Graphic Design in August. Melinda found a job the day after they got here. She is working for Apple Valley School as a full-time teacher for two year olds. She teaches 40 two yr olds in four different classes. She has an assistant to help her and she is off every day by 3pm. It is a great job and she is enjoying it so far. Plus, I like having her home in the afternoons!! Mike is currently polishing up his portfolio and getting it ready to present to prospective employers. His goal is to have it finished by the end of this upcoming week and then he is going to start hitting the pavement looking for the perfect job. GOOD LUCK, MIKE!!
David expects to learn this week or next if Hewlett Packard has a job offer for him or not. One way or the other, we should have some news about his future with either HP or EDS. They will want him to stay on and help with the transition here in Plano no matter what, so that time frame will have to be established one way or the other also. So, we are still somewhat in limbo, but we should know more in the next week or two.
I have been feeling better since the wedding. I changed doctors (not happy with the non-response to my pain issues from my old doctor)and he put me on some prednisone (anti-inflammatory)so I could act like a human and enjoy the wedding. He has kept me on a low dose of the prednisone and started me on Lyrica for the fibromyalgia and I have been doing quite well. He will take me off of the prednisone in another few weeks. I just hope it all doesn't fall apart at that point. We will just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, I am trying to exercise and strengthen what I can while the pain is at bay.
I promise I won't wait so long next time to update my blog. You can blame it on Sara this time. Hee hee. That is about it for now, or at least about all my feeble brain can remember. I think I did petty well considering...
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